If you need to assess a student or colleague against a specific regulation, standard or work instruction you require a competence assessor training. This training specifies what steps are important to assess a person fairly and objective. The main rule is to stick to the facts and observe. Assessments performed against a specific guideline means you are looking for competencies, you are looking for confirmation of knowledge and skills. As a competence assessor it is not only important to recognize competencies and gaps in the competence. It is most important to have the social skills to lead an assessment meeting with the student in order to explain your observations. Then the next step is to have the skills to write a report about your findings. Objectivity and a fair assessment is your key to success.
exosfeer believes in immersive training. Before the training a verbal assessment will be performed. This assessment will determine the start position of each delegate. Delegates with the same starting position will be gathered in a physical training and receive a training with a duration to ensure competency.
The training duration is therefore between 14 hours and 24 hours with a 50-50% theory-practical balance.